
About Us

We are Hanka Mochov s.r.o. - Czech company with Czech capital.

We specialize in growing and distributing quality Czech vegetables.

We manage more than 830 ha of land in Polabí, one of the best agricultural areas in the Czech Republic.

The founder and owner is Petr Hanka.

His journey began in 1993, when he started farming in the fields around Mochov. Since then, the company has grown not only in the scope of cultivation, but also in the level of processing, packaging and logistics.

Under his leadership, the company became a leading producer of vegetables in the Czech Republic, with farms in two locations - in Mochov near Prague and in Zálezlice near Mělník.

Petr Hanka is also known for his commitment to modern and environmentally friendly growing methods, including the Cross-Compliance system and the Integrated Vegetable Production System (IPZ). Thanks to his vision and innovative approach, the company received GLOBALGAP, HACCP certificates and CLASS and REGIONAL FOOD awards.

Membership in

sales cooperative Litozel and the Vegetable Union of Bohemia and Moravia.

Within the cooperative, we work closely with other growers. This collaboration helps all members compete better in the market by joining forces for more efficient distribution and marketing.

Vegetable Union

Litozel Distribution Cooperative


Growing practices

When growing vegetables, we are guided not only by the principles of the so-called good agricultural practice - Cross Compliance, aimed at protecting the landscape and the environment. In order to ensure the highest standards of health safety, we have an established and certified system of Integrated Production, which includes regular analyzes of the produce before they are put on the market.

All areas are equipped with an irrigation system, which ensures a high quality of production. GLOBALGAP, HACCP certificates and the KLASA and REGIONÁLNÍ POTRAVINA brands testify to the fact that quality is in the first place for us.

The company harvests most of its produce during the growing season directly on the basis of customer orders, which means that the time between harvest and delivery is about 24 hours. After harvesting, the vegetables are immediately cooled, washed, sorted and packed using the most modern technologies and sorting lines.

Our priority is the stability of supplies throughout the year, therefore we currently have sufficient storage capacity to supply the market year-round.

Shipping to customers

Through our logistics partners, we ensure that our fresh vegetables and potatoes reach our customers in the best possible quality. Transport is a key part of our services and includes the following elements:

Refrigerated trucks: For the daily delivery of fresh vegetables and potatoes, we use refrigerated trucks, which ensure that the products remain fresh until delivery. When transporting vegetables, maintaining the correct temperature regime is key to maintaining their quality.

Delivery throughout the Czech Republic: We provide delivery to distribution centers and wholesalers throughout the Czech Republic, which means wide availability of our products.

Fast delivery: Thanks to efficient logistics and the proximity of agricultural areas to the main distribution routes, we deliver vegetables and potatoes very quickly after harvest.

Support of modern technologies: We have a fully automated storage process, which enables efficient and fast shipping in the winter and spring months.

Thanks to these logistics services, we can guarantee that our vegetables are not only fresh and of high quality, but also delivered to customers in the shortest possible time.

We sponsor

We are a socially responsible company and we support organizations and projects within the non-profit sector:

Parish Charity Neratovice

Rybka - a provider of social services in Neratovice

Home hospice Nablízku, cadastral area Lysá nad Labem

Children's home in Krásná Lípa

Beach Service - beach volleyball club Praha, Benešov, Pardubice, Plzeň

Dům Kněžny Emmy - retirement home Neratovice

The website has been realized with the contribution of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
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